To adult or not to adult? If you're in your 20's or almost in your 20's- this is for you. When people said growing up stinks, they weren't kidding. We know adulthood is coming, but are we there yet? Here are five signs you're almost an adult:
- You don't buy the shoes. Y'all- this is the worst for me. I don't mean to sound vain, but I genuinely have a problem. I have no sense of when to stop buying shoes. Don't have that color? I need them. Don't have that style? I need them. You create that budget, but you don't actually stick to it. When you have to decide if you want the shoes or to have gas to get to work, you know you're almost an adult.
- You'd rather stay at home. I would rather stay home and blog, read, or watch a movie than go out most of the time. Since when did I think about what time I need to be home by in order to get my full nine hours of sleep? (And trust me when I say I NEED that nine hours!) When you would rather be on the couch than out late, you know you're almost an adult.
- You have to create a resume. How do you pronounce that word? HAHA. I recently had to create a resume for a class and didn't even realize how important it is to have one until I created it. I've needed that bad boy twice since I made it, so thank goodness I had it! I miss the time when all you had to do was fill out an application and you got the job. When you finally have to sit down and figure out how to create a professional looking resume, you know you're almost an adult.
- You're Facebook feed. Don't tell me you haven't been noticing all the engagements, marriages and babies. I'm just siting here reading a book about waiting on the right man God has for each person and wondering when I'm going to meet him... Is it really almost time to be settling down? I don't think I'm emotionally stable/ready for that hahaha. When everyone around you is getting engaged, married or having babies, you know you're almost an adult.
- You're parents are talking about what they'll do with your room. Okay wait, just because I'm moving out doesn't mean you need to turn my room into a craft room, ma. (I'm not kidding-that is an actual discussion that has happened in my house.) Isn't it funny how they think you'll never come home? I guess we should be taking that as a sign they don't want us back. When you want to redecorate your room and your parents tell you there's no point because you're leaving soon, you know you're almost an adult.
I cried the other day because I'm graduating college and moving 6 hours away.... I don't want to adult....